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Step 4 - Contact Management

How we create next and update contacts in HubSpot

Luuk de Jonge avatar
Written by Luuk de Jonge
Updated over a week ago

Managing new and existing Contacts

Our HubSpot app works with both new and existing contacts. Learn more about how we update them in this article.

Custom Registration Form

In addition to Contact custom properties, Contrast also creates and manages a custom form called Contrast Registration Form.

This form is used to create new contacts on your HubSpot CRM.

⚠️ This form is managed by Contrast and is non-editable and non-archivable. Read “App Uninstallation” section to see how to remove the custom form.

Contact Synchronization - Creating a new contact

Whenever someone registers on Contrast for an upcoming webinar or to watch a replay, if the email does not exist in your HubSpot CRM, a new contact gets created.

This new contact is created using the custom registration form managed by Contrast and includes:

  • Contact's email address

  • Contact first name and last name

  • All default custom properties from Contrast

  • Conversion source

💡 Depending on the presence of UTM parameters on the landing page you share, the conversion source could be set to (but not limited to) Direct Traffic, Organic Social, Paid Search…

Contact Synchronization - Updating an existing contact

Whenever someone registers on Contrast for an upcoming webinar or to watch a replay, if the email exists in your HubSpot CRM, the existing contact simply gets updated.

Whenever Contrast updates an existing contact, it does not override existing first name and last name, nor the latest conversion source, it only updates contact custom properties.

💡There is no risk of losing data by connecting Contrast to your HubSpot CRM

Contact Synchronization - Custom Activity

Custom Activity lets you capture registration to upcoming webinars, live attendances and replay views from Contrast and see someone’s activity directly from the contact page.

Webinar registration

Webinar registration

Webinar attendance live

Webinar replay view

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