You can either block or remove a registrant. Block will forbid them access of all your past and future events. Removing them, will remove them from your registrants. But they can still re-register to your events.
In case somebody registered to your webinar, and you would prefer it if they're not able to watch the webinar, you can decide to ban them. Premium plan users can also delete a specific webinar registration.
How to block an attendee (all plans)
Go to the admin dashboard
Go to the webinar you want to ban this user from
Go to
Look up the user you want to ban
Now click on their email address
Their user profile will open
Now click on dot-menu n top right corner, select Block from all events
How to remove a registration from a webinar (paid plans only)
Once a registration is deleted, it will no longer appear in the webinar listing or count toward your monthly usage. The registrant will also stop receiving any emails related to the webinar.
Go to the admin dashboard
Go to the webinar you want to delete the registrant from
Go to
Look up the user you want to remove from registrations
Now click on their email address
Their user profile will open
Click the three-dot menu in the top right corner, then select 'Remove registration'.
Note that this feature is only available for upcoming webinars